Debian installation

This guide describes the fastest way to install Graylog on Debian Linux 9 (Stretch). All links and packages are present at the time of writing but might need to be updated later on.


This setup should not be done on publicly exposed servers. This guide does not cover security settings!


If you’re starting from a minimal server setup, you will need to install these additional packages:

$ sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
$ sudo apt install apt-transport-https openjdk-8-jre-headless uuid-runtime pwgen


The version of MongoDB included in Debian Jessie is recent enough to be used with Graylog 2.3.x and higher:

$ sudo apt install mongodb-server


Graylog 2.3.x can be used with Elasticsearch 5.x, please follow the installation instructions from the Elasticsearch installation guide:

$ wget -qO - | sudo apt-key add -
$ echo "deb stable main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/elastic-5.x.list
$ sudo apt update && sudo apt install elasticsearch

Make sure to modify the Elasticsearch configuration file (/etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml) and set the cluster name to graylog additionally you need to uncomment (remove the # as first character) the line: graylog

After you have modified the configuration, you can start Elasticsearch:

$ sudo systemctl daemon-reload
$ sudo systemctl enable elasticsearch.service
$ sudo systemctl restart elasticsearch.service


Now install the Graylog repository configuration and Graylog itself with the following commands:

$ wget
$ sudo dpkg -i graylog-2.3-repository_latest.deb
$ sudo apt update && sudo apt install graylog-server

Follow the instructions in your /etc/graylog/server/server.conf and add password_secret and root_password_sha2. These settings are mandatory and without them, Graylog will not start!

You need to use the following command to create your root_password_sha2:

echo -n yourpassword | sha256sum

To be able to connect to Graylog you should set rest_listen_uri and web_listen_uri to the public host name or a public IP address of the machine you can connect to. More information about these settings can be found in Configuring the web interface.


If you’re operating a single-node setup and would like to use HTTPS for the Graylog web interface and the Graylog REST API, it’s possible to use NGINX or Apache as a reverse proxy.

The last step is to enable Graylog during the operating system’s startup:

$ sudo systemctl daemon-reload
$ sudo systemctl enable graylog-server.service
$ sudo systemctl start graylog-server.service

The next step is to ingest messages into your Graylog and extract the messages with extractors or use the Pipelines to work with the messages.

Multiple Server Setup

If you plan to have multiple server taking care of different roles in your cluster like we have in this big production setup you need to modify only a few settings. This is covered in our Multi-node Setup guide. The default file location guide will give you the file you need to modify in your setup.


Please file a bug report in the GitHub repository for the operating system packages if you run into any packaging related issues.

If you found this documentation confusing or have more questions, please open an issue in the Github repository for the documentation.