Upgrading to Graylog 2.2.x

Email Alarm Callback

Previous versions of Graylog created an implicit email alarm callback if no explicit callback existed for a stream.

Due to the extensive rework done in alerting, this behavior has been modified to be explicit, and more consistent with other entities within Graylog: from now on there will not be a default alarm callback.

To simplify the transition for people relying on this behavior, we have added a migration step that will create an email alarm callback for each stream that has alert conditions, has alert receivers, but has no associated alarm callbacks.

With to the introduction of email templates in 0.21, the transport_email_subject_prefix config setting became unused. It is now being removed completely. In early versions it was used to add a prefix to the generated subject of alerting emails. Since 0.21 it is possible to define a complete template used for the generation of alert email subjects.

Alert Notifications (previously known as Alarm Callbacks)

Graylog 2.2.0 introduces some changes in alerting. Alerts have now states, helping you to know in an easier way if something requires your attention.

These changes also affect the way we send notifications: Starting in Graylog 2.2.0, alert notifications are only executed once, just when a new alert is triggered. As long as the alert is unresolved or in grace period, Graylog will not send further notifications. This will help you reducing the noise and annoyance of getting notified way too often when a problem persists for a while.

If you are using Graylog for alerting, please take a moment to ensure this change will not break any of your processes when an alert occurs.

Default stream/Index Sets

With the introduction of index sets, and the ability to change a stream’s write target, the default stream needs additional information, which is calculated when starting a new Graylog 2.2 master node.

It requires recalculation of the index ranges of the default stream’s index set, which when updating from pre-2.2 versions is stored in the graylog_ index. This is potentially expensive, because it has to calculate three aggregations across every open index to detect which streams are stored in which index.

Please be advised that this necessary migration can put additional load on your cluster.


Make sure that all rotation and retention strategy plugins you had installed in 2.1 are updated to a version that is compatible with 2.2 before you start the Graylog 2.2 version for the first time. (e.g. Graylog Enterprise) This is needed so the required data migrations will run without problems.


The option to remove a message from the default stream is currently not available when using the pipeline function route_to_stream. This will be fixed in a subsequent bug fix release. Please see the corresponding Github issue.

RotationStrategy & RetentionStrategy Interfaces

The Java interfaces for RetentionStrategy and RotationStrategy changed in 2.2. The #rotate() and #retain() methods are now getting an IndexSet as first parameter.

This only affects you if you are using custom rotation or retention strategies.

Changes in Exposed Configuration

The exposed configuration settings on the /system/configuration resource of the Graylog REST API doesn’t contain the following (deprecated) Elasticsearch-related settings anymore:

  • elasticsearch_shards
  • elasticsearch_replicas
  • index_optimization_max_num_segments
  • disable_index_optimization

Changes in Split & Count Converter

The behavior of the split & count converter has been changed to that it resembles typical split() functions.

Previously, the split & count converter returned 0, if the split pattern didn’t occur in the string. Now it will return 1.


String Split Pattern Old Result | New Result
<empty> - 0 0
foo - 0 1
foo-bar - 2 2

Graylog REST API

Streams API

Due to the introduction of index sets, the payload for creating, updating and cloning of streams now requires the index_set_id field. The value for this needs to be the ID of an existing index set.

Affected endpoints:

  • POST /streams
  • PUT  /streams/{streamId}
  • POST /streams/{streamId}/clone